Be Productive While Working At Home


So, the kiddos are back in school! For our family, this summer was a great break from the routine, full of late nights, cuddles, camping trips, and probably a few too many Otter Pops. But as the boys settle back into their school schedule, I’m settling back in my schedule working from home. Be Productive While Working At Home | East Valley Moms BlogWhether you are running a business from your living room or trying to catch up on memory books or finish a home improvement project — sometimes it can be hard to be productive at home. Here are some tips that I have found that increase my productivity when I’m trying to just. get. stuff. done. 

  1. Minimize distractions – There are certain distractions that are hard to ignore (like the baby monitor during nap time) but it’s important to minimize the distractions. If you are hustling through a project, turn your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ for one hour. I’ve also found it really important to shut myself in a room where the dishes and laundry aren’t staring me down. 
  2. Little chunks of time add up – This one took me a little while to realize, but twenty minutes is a lot of time. And six chunks of twenty minutes is really a heck of a lot of time. I used to write off these little chunks of time because I was afraid to dive in only to have to step away. But now I’ll set a timer on my phone for fifteen or twenty minutes and hammer through something and it’s amazing how those little chunks of time add up. 
  3. Focus on the task at hand – I can’t do good work when I’m trying to be a good mom, and I can’t be a great mom when I’m trying to do good work. I am most productive before or after my kiddos are in bed, when they’re at preschool, or when my husband is doing a special activity with them. I’ve found that trying to complete a task while they’re expecting (and truthfully, deserving of) my full attention will only lead to frustration from both ends. Even if your children are home with you all day, you can establish a schedule with little chunks of time where they are not expecting your attention (nap time or some special screen time) where you can be productive. 

It’s hard on the days when you are feeling pulled in all directions! What are some of your favorite tips and tricks for getting things done while working at home? 


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