Raising Girls Like a Boss



As a mom, one of my many goals is to raise happy, healthy, independent children. As a mom to all girls, I also feel called to teach my girls how to be confident, strong, capable women. And further, as a working mom of all girls, I want my daughters to grow to become well-balanced, ambitious, future leaders in whatever shape that takes. They can lead a family and home or a Fortune 500 company – I don’t care as long as they are in the driver’s seat of their own life.  I want them to know that anything is possible and that their gender, regardless of what they might hear from the outside world, is not a limiting factor when it comes to their orientation to success. I hope they grow to become a boss without being bossy – inspiring those around them with their compassion, honesty, and hard work. A leader who lifts up the people around them and looks for opportunities to educate and elevate their peer group.

Raising Girls Like a Boss| East Valley Moms BlogFYI – there is no guide book for any of this. Like much of motherhood, I find myself winging this chapter.  Fortunately, I have been surrounded by and exposed to strong female leaders, both personally and professionally, whose words and actions I carry with me day to day and try to emulate in hopes that when my girls are watching, they see these concepts in action. These words personally have given me direction and inspiration in challenging times but now also serve as the perfect dialogue for guiding the young female audience whose eyes are always on us as mothers:

Lean In – Don’t shy away from leadership. Sit at the table. Make your voice heard.

Dare Greatly- Be vulnerable. Give yourself the opportunity to fail. Perfection does not exist.

Embrace Candor- Lead with transparency. Say what you mean. Speak honestly, freely, clearly.

Drop the Ball – When you need to let go, let go. Ask for help. Delegate.

These ideas can be applied in the classroom and on the playground just as much as a board room or office and as such, I figure it is never too soon to start reinforcing messages like this. So in honor of Bosses Day, here is to all the future boss babes we are raising. May they one day embody all the characteristics of the great female leaders that came before them…and some fierce girl power.


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