Do moms get a sick day?


Do moms get a sick day? No, we don’t. But, what happens when you’re forced to take one?

Do Moms Get a Sick Day? | East Valley Moms Blog

This recently happened to me when I had to undergo emergency gallbladder surgery. I was told by my doctor that I would be in the hospital for 2 days. Yep, two days! That’s, like, two months in “mom years”! I had a long list of things that needed to be completed at work and at home. I’m a mom of two active boys, a wife, and a small business owner. This wasn’t in the plan! The last time I was out of commission for 2 days, I gave birth to my youngest son!

A million thoughts ran through my mind. Who would manage the day-to-day activities for my boys? What about dinner? What about our busy week at my business? Who will take Rex to the vet? Oh yeah, and maybe I should understand a little more about how I got here!  

When you truly slow down, it’s amazing how much perspective and gratitude you gain! The love and support you feel from you family and friends is overwhelming and much appreciated. While I was recuperating, I thought about some life changes which include taking a PTO day every now and then instead of being forced a sick day in the future! 

Take time for yourself. I know we all say this, but make it a priority! Taking time for yourself is crucial. We deserve it! It can be as simple as going for a walk or drinking a cup of tea at night. Doing something you love and makes you feel good brings so much clarity.

Listen to your body. Are you fatigued or feeling sluggish? Is your skin feeling dry or lack luster? Many times internal issues surface on the outside, so take notice. When you schedule your kids doctors appointment, make sure to schedule yours, too. It’s amazing what our bodies tell us when were listening!

Get some sleep. I remember when my oldest son was born, my mom told me to sleep when the baby sleeps. Best advice ever for new moms! I’ve revisited this pearl of wisdom now that my boys are older. I had recently adopted a late-night habit of getting caught up on work emails and watching Netflix with my hubby. My husband and I made a pack to get more zzz’s and limited our Netflix nights during the week. 

Learn to let go (well, maybe just a little). You’ve set a standard and have put systems in place. Trust and know that everything will be okay! I’ve learned to take baby steps and prioritize things that are important today and things that can wait until tomorrow. I know it’s hard for my fellow Type A personalities, but trust me, it helps so much!

Love your tribe. Never miss a chance to tell your tribe how much you love and appreciate them! They mean everything and will always be your priority. Make sure they know it! Life is short and I believe you can never tell someone enough what hey mean to you. 

Learn to say no. There’s only so many hours in the day. I wish there was more, but there’s not! Learning to say no is hard for me. If I’m capable, I want to help! But, I’ve learned that overcommitting just paves the road to burn out. Saying no isn’t a bad thing, it just means you’re not going able to make it 100% amazing at this time. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that!


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